Wednesday, December 15, 2021

Credit structure


examples of opening credits:

after looking at many examples i've found that I would like to use simple and small credits as ive found big and extravagant credits shift your focus away from the camera work. 



Run hide fight, CRISIS, The Marksman In All of these films, there is a mission that must be completed and through the movie we slowly follow them in a adventure to get something done, all of these films include organisations both government and criminal ones who create these missions. Furthermore, there is conventions of thriller such as guns, blood, and suspense building scenes where a character is seconds away from being ‘caught’. The differences are that in CRISIS and marksman there is an idea that the villains are above the law or unstoppable which creates more suspense, whereas Run hide fight the content is slightly darker because there is the psychological aspect of kids seeking revenge for their bullying etc

Why is it hard to define thriller?

Because thriller films can easily be mistaken for other genres, if you accidentally

include one wrong convention and then you have a horror film.

History of the thriller genre:

1923, safety last

1969, Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock 

1990, Goodfellas 

1996, Se7en 

Sub genres

Psychological thriller:

A film that draws on psychology to create suspense

Conventions: mental illness and genius, stalking, obsession, closeups and subjective vision with

flashbacks to explain a person’s reason for their crime, murder, serial killings, correlations between the


Supernatural thriller:

A thriller that includes supernatural aspects

Conventions: out of world aspects, and unexplained occurrences

Crime thriller

Conventions: police, fighting the law, rebellion, guns, drugs, women, men in suits, big city, fast cars

Action thriller

Difference between thriller and horror films Thriller films are much more believable than horror films and create suspense by making us fear for the character because these are things that could happen to us, horror films include things that are impossible and make us fear for ourselves tapping into are darkest fears, in thrillers suspense is created constantly but in horror it is less frequent but more scary when something like a jump scare is used whereas thrillers use rhythm to create suspense

Checklist for a thriller:

 Criminal groups


Superior enemy


 Cliff hangers


What is a thriller?

 ‘A thriller is a genre of film whose primary feature is that it induces suspense and fear in the viewer’

‘Characteristics of the thriller genre often include a lone protagonist who is opposed by a vastly superior enemy whilst pursuing an overriding quest’

‘Thriller is about the push and pull between the protagonist and villain’

The similarity between all of these is that it is all about keeping the viewer on the edge of their seat

Monday, December 13, 2021

Hall of mirrors 2019 analysis


Hall of Mirrors (2019)

This clip starts off with a long shot where the contrast of low key light in the foreground and high key exciting light in the background which makes the girl a silhouette, this connotes an idea that she is isolated and alone compared to the background showing people on the rides, this makes her seem alienated and as if the circus itself has trapped her. After this we start to be able to hear this Asynchronous sound of people laughing and having fun and of the circus music, this sound doesn't match the dark themed imagery, this will make the audience feel uncomfortable and resonate with this girl in the shot. Sound is also used effectively to create tension when we see the closeup of the candy apple hitting the floor and pleonastic sound is used to emphasize it and it almost sounds like a punch, this connotes that this innocent thing has something darker beneath the surface, along with this the apple is shown as this dark red which evokes a violent kind of imagery that we would not expect to see in a normal circus scene. I think that shot in particular is almost like a metaphor for the circus as somewhere that seems fun and for kids but has something creepy about it and the fact that it's for a younger audience such as kids makes it more scary.

Mise en Scene is used to hint something is not quite right when we see this pathetic fallacy of rain that starts just as she walks in the funhouse that has connotations of a sign to not enter. Editing has also been used effectively to show that the girl as the scene goes on becomes more and more scared, this is shown by multiple eyeline matches that canote she is trying to be aware of her surroundings and is frightened by what she may find, along with this at the start when we see tracking shots from behind her this further pushes the idea that there may be somebody in there with her. However I do think that not once does camera specifically present her as actually scared but instead just brave and overly curious, she is never shot in a high angle and is often shown in a shot with movement this represents her as not scared and the movements shows how she keeps on going forwards and only gets scared because her curiosity gets the better of her and she goes too far. As the audience we fear for this young girl but she herself is unfrightened.

Towards the end we can see that different film language is used to emphasize the climax, As I mentioned above we start to see many eyeline matches, this also increases the pace of the edit and suggests something big is about to happen, the audience will anticipate something as the energy keeps on rising due to this fast edit. Along with this I would say that towards the end the lighting becomes very low key and this creates tension as it connotes a feeling that we cannot see what is around her or who is around her which makes us as the audience curious. In this clip towards the end there are these blue tones which connote sadness which creates a creepy feeling within the edit because there is an idea that within circuses which are meant for kids there is a lot of sadness and makes us feel like there is more to circuses than what we know.

Sunday, December 12, 2021

True Blood credit analysis

  True Blood Intro





  1. Think about the format of the images

  • How are they constructed

Montage, fast edit

  • What shot types are used


Handheld shots


Push in shots


Dolly shots

  • What filters, effects are used

Blood stains on the screen hinting at violence in the film


Distortion which causes unease for the viewer


Grain effects to show these are events of the past.


  • Any adjectives you would use to describe the quality of the images.

Found footage style


Old fashioned




        Are there any shapes used?

  • Are there any key colours used?

Lots of red, brown, green and blue which give ideas of disgust and sadness


  1. Now start thinking about the imagery

  • Start taking screen shots from images that stand out for you and then try to gather them in sections



Now start to think about what themes or connotation are associated with these groups of images


Themes are:


Black lives and police brutality and conservative people in the west


Religion and sin


Dead animals/ animals decaying possibly talking about how sin is a disease rotting away the world or racism and police brutality is





  • And start to think what are the links or differences between the groups


People who are religious and don't commit sin and those who do


Most people in conservative areas of the US like Texas are religious and despise wrong doing and sin however they treat women poorly


Conservative areas of the US treat black people very poorly


Dead animals vs baptism


Spirituality vs violence




  1. Now start to see if there's other tools from out theory work that might be useful to use:


Cultural code in regards to issues of race and religion in the US, also enigma code which means raising many questions for the viewer


Can you identify any 'Binary opposites'?

Religious people and sinners


Black people and white people




Can you identify any type of montage?

Rhythmic montage is used to put across ideas and keep viewers interested


And tonal montage


Intellectual montage, conflicting images to create a emotional reaction

What do you believe is the 'reality that is being represented?

What do you think is the preferred reading of this representation is?




Once you've considered all this can you identify the following and justify your reasoning:


What the genre of the shows is (and tone/mood)?

A thriller film and the tone would be mysterious

What the themes of the show are?



Wrong treatment of women


What is the representation of the setting is?

Strong religious beliefs but also indulgence in vices like prostitution and alcohol and tobacco consumption, also a conservative area

Final Film