Sunday, December 12, 2021

True Blood credit analysis

  True Blood Intro





  1. Think about the format of the images

  • How are they constructed

Montage, fast edit

  • What shot types are used


Handheld shots


Push in shots


Dolly shots

  • What filters, effects are used

Blood stains on the screen hinting at violence in the film


Distortion which causes unease for the viewer


Grain effects to show these are events of the past.


  • Any adjectives you would use to describe the quality of the images.

Found footage style


Old fashioned




        Are there any shapes used?

  • Are there any key colours used?

Lots of red, brown, green and blue which give ideas of disgust and sadness


  1. Now start thinking about the imagery

  • Start taking screen shots from images that stand out for you and then try to gather them in sections



Now start to think about what themes or connotation are associated with these groups of images


Themes are:


Black lives and police brutality and conservative people in the west


Religion and sin


Dead animals/ animals decaying possibly talking about how sin is a disease rotting away the world or racism and police brutality is





  • And start to think what are the links or differences between the groups


People who are religious and don't commit sin and those who do


Most people in conservative areas of the US like Texas are religious and despise wrong doing and sin however they treat women poorly


Conservative areas of the US treat black people very poorly


Dead animals vs baptism


Spirituality vs violence




  1. Now start to see if there's other tools from out theory work that might be useful to use:


Cultural code in regards to issues of race and religion in the US, also enigma code which means raising many questions for the viewer


Can you identify any 'Binary opposites'?

Religious people and sinners


Black people and white people




Can you identify any type of montage?

Rhythmic montage is used to put across ideas and keep viewers interested


And tonal montage


Intellectual montage, conflicting images to create a emotional reaction

What do you believe is the 'reality that is being represented?

What do you think is the preferred reading of this representation is?




Once you've considered all this can you identify the following and justify your reasoning:


What the genre of the shows is (and tone/mood)?

A thriller film and the tone would be mysterious

What the themes of the show are?



Wrong treatment of women


What is the representation of the setting is?

Strong religious beliefs but also indulgence in vices like prostitution and alcohol and tobacco consumption, also a conservative area

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