Tuesday, March 22, 2022

How did I intergrate technologies technologies in my film?


How did I integrate technologies technologies in my film? 

My research took place mainly through watching films and then clips from films on YouTube to analyse and help me to understand conventions/iconography and themes within psychological thrillers. to watch these films I used software Netflix, Disney plus and mubi
For my planning I used photography to document possible locations, and padlet to make a moodboard for my film. 

I made my story board by drawing it, I then used my Sony A6000 to take a picture of all the drawings and upload them to my blog. By doing this I used both an analog process and a digital one to make my storyboard. being able to integrate technologies really helped me to fulfill how I wanted my storyboard to be because I wanted the freedom of hand drawing but also I obviously had to be able to digitalize it.

I have never done a snorricam shot, to make this effect I had to use the hardware of the snorricam device and then after recording I used the SD card to the DDP and then into my film.

To get my desired font for my film I was able to find it on a website called 'what the font' I then downloaded it to my computer onto Final Cut Pro to use for my credits.

to emphasise sounds in my film I had to record it in post of a piece of hardware called a zoom mic and then upload it to the software Final Cut Pro.

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Final Film