Sunday, March 20, 2022

Profiling target audience


Here you can see that this website has told us that metroculturals tend to be left leaning people, their exposure to culture means they are more aware of social issues.

these people tend to be quite well educated, this could have allowed them to be exposed to more culture. furthermore they have reasonable amounts of disposable income which allow them to be more free to more frequently visit cinemas and galleries and be interested in a more deep film

 I feel my audience would be metrocultural as a psycho thriller normally attracts more of that audience as they have an interest in culture and don't just go to see the blockbusters as they normally have more disposable income so don't crave as much escapism.
Metroculturals are mostly younger singles and some older singles, which show that although they love to partake in many activities they also enjoy significant alone time.

this here shows that metro culturals most commonly live in flats which supports the idea that they are city people, they loves cities as they are able to fully immerse themselves in culture.

Metro culturals tend to be creatives themselves this may be why they are more aware of the art and film in their area, and visit it more frequently.

this here shows us how metroculturals engage in culture very frequently weather that be the arts or Gallerys.

Metroculturals believe in the importance of access to museums and galleries and also appreciate art in their local area.

This is a Psycho thriller called "we need to talk about kevin" 2011
here is some information that can help to tell me about the possibilities of who my audience is, first off we can see that the more common gender to watch this films is women and this could be because women are more interested by psychological things, the most common age is also under 35 so this shows young people are more accepting to films like this then older people.

Audience profile:
After doing some research which can be seen above, films like psychological thrillers tend to have a slightly higher numbers of female viewers, as for age the resource audience finder says that it is a fifty fifty split between young singles and older singles however pearl and dean says that Psycho thrillers are most popular in younger audience which in my opinion makes more sense as young people tend to be accepting of a darker themed film. furthermore these viewers are more commonly high ABC1 social  class this means ultimately they are more financially stable which means they do not look for escapism in film but education.

after this research ive found that the metro cultural is the right audience for my film.

Bella is a recent graduate from university of the arts london who studied art history, whilst studying there she made contact with an artist who she now assists, this job pays very well and allows bella the time to visit the cinema and gallery's frequently. Bella loves the cinema and has a passion for seeing new interesting films that she knows of through her friends and her online research, she is not so interested in a film like james bond, her favorite film however is 'the way ahead' 1954 by david niven. she now lives in the centre of the city in london by herself in a flat. 

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