Wednesday, December 15, 2021



Run hide fight, CRISIS, The Marksman In All of these films, there is a mission that must be completed and through the movie we slowly follow them in a adventure to get something done, all of these films include organisations both government and criminal ones who create these missions. Furthermore, there is conventions of thriller such as guns, blood, and suspense building scenes where a character is seconds away from being ‘caught’. The differences are that in CRISIS and marksman there is an idea that the villains are above the law or unstoppable which creates more suspense, whereas Run hide fight the content is slightly darker because there is the psychological aspect of kids seeking revenge for their bullying etc

Why is it hard to define thriller?

Because thriller films can easily be mistaken for other genres, if you accidentally

include one wrong convention and then you have a horror film.

History of the thriller genre:

1923, safety last

1969, Psycho by Alfred Hitchcock 

1990, Goodfellas 

1996, Se7en 

Sub genres

Psychological thriller:

A film that draws on psychology to create suspense

Conventions: mental illness and genius, stalking, obsession, closeups and subjective vision with

flashbacks to explain a person’s reason for their crime, murder, serial killings, correlations between the


Supernatural thriller:

A thriller that includes supernatural aspects

Conventions: out of world aspects, and unexplained occurrences

Crime thriller

Conventions: police, fighting the law, rebellion, guns, drugs, women, men in suits, big city, fast cars

Action thriller

Difference between thriller and horror films Thriller films are much more believable than horror films and create suspense by making us fear for the character because these are things that could happen to us, horror films include things that are impossible and make us fear for ourselves tapping into are darkest fears, in thrillers suspense is created constantly but in horror it is less frequent but more scary when something like a jump scare is used whereas thrillers use rhythm to create suspense

Checklist for a thriller:

 Criminal groups


Superior enemy


 Cliff hangers


What is a thriller?

 ‘A thriller is a genre of film whose primary feature is that it induces suspense and fear in the viewer’

‘Characteristics of the thriller genre often include a lone protagonist who is opposed by a vastly superior enemy whilst pursuing an overriding quest’

‘Thriller is about the push and pull between the protagonist and villain’

The similarity between all of these is that it is all about keeping the viewer on the edge of their seat

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