Monday, March 21, 2022

finalising edit

today I have been resolving issues with my narrative clarity by adding in some unused footage to make clear that my man in the suit my main character meets is a figment of his imagination. But Im also planning to add some filters as I feel it's still not completely developed.

I have now added a filter to the edit and it has had the effect I originally wanted and now I feel it is very obvious that this character is possibly unreal.

today I worked on my titles, using my plan to decide I want a simple text title to keep the attention on the visuals, further more I've made the text yellow to make it match with the the colour of my colour correction as I feel its most appealing. this is better but I still need to add my font as this is currently looking unprofessional.

Today I added in my font and I really think my film looks more visually appealing now.

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Final Film