Thursday, March 10, 2022

Camera equipment

 What camera equipment did I chose to use?

In my film I used the camera the GH5, this camera has a professional look. As for equipment we used a snorricam as you can see here in this picture, there was quite a significant learning curve because it was very difficult to set up but by the end it was very simple. The snorricam gave a great effect and really communicated how disorientated Casey was. I have never used a snorricam before and last year I only used a tripod and a tracks and I feel this year maximising my use of equipment has really opened so many doors in terms of visual storytelling.

we used a shoulder mount to film the moving shots, it gave a more organic look but also made it more controlled then if it was filmed with handheld. I have also never used a shoulder mount, the shoulder mount is great for run and gun shooting. you can take super still shots with it but also use it for tracking shots that look amazing. the shoulder mount was super easy to set up.

Next year I would also love to use the black magic camera, simply because the footage looks amazing. I'm super happy with my choice of equipment.

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