Wednesday, March 9, 2022

Character analysis

 Costume inspiration:

When creating my main character Casey I instantly thought about Marla from fight club, she dresses very messily and looks like she wears the same things all the time. Casey dressing this way reflects his mental state his thoughts are also messy, he doesn't have time to think about what he's wearing and doesn't care to look 'smart'. 

Here is a drawing I did in the early stages of production to communicate an idea of what my characters should look like.

The man in the suit in my film who is not made clear if he's real or an illusion is a device to highlight the difference between Casey's mind and others. like in Shutter Island in the opening scene where the 2 men in the suits are standing next to each other and it establishes an idea of binary opposites where one man is more put together and the other looks distressed and his clothes are all messed up. I think that this style of dressing with fedoras and a suit is from a different time period and will also tell the audience that this character is not real, the colour black adds to his mysterious vibe. A big inspiration of mine is film noir and this way of dressing is super common and can be seen in films like 

A touch of evil, Orson Welles made in 1958

this really creates more suspense as Suits connotes power, which makes my character more scary.

Dream actors in my film:

Johnny depp and Helena Bonham carter.

these actors could be slightly biased as I have seen movies with them together, and they are both notorious for being in psycho thrillers. I would love these actors in my film as there acting style is perfect for creating tension and unease, they both also have a certain look about them that seem very mysterious. 

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