Saturday, November 6, 2021

Alfred Hitchcock


Alfred Hitchcock was a British filmmaker born in 1899, he is known as the master of suspense. over his career he created ideas such as pure cinema and believed heavily in show not tell.


               "give them pleasure. the same pleasure they have when they wakeup from a nightmare"

Pure cinema includes visceral action sequences, it's about expressing what we see and hear and recording it. Pure cinema is also using mainly visuals to show something with minimal dialog, a good film is good even with the sound off. editing to create feeling.

 Hitchcock uses to create suspense 

temporal deadlines: this is when we give the audience a piece of information like a bomb is going to go off at any moment, this creates suspense through anticipation.

Editing, attention and inference: editing is critical to suspense since it allows the director to direct the spectators attention and lead their inference about what is going to happen.

Vicarious suspense: this relates to letting the audience in on the secret as early as possible to give them anxieties about what will happen.

Direct suspense: when you feel fear yourself not on the characters behalf.

Rhythm in Hitchcock films: he creates suspense by having long drawn out shots building up to a scare and then when it happens the pace increases and their are many short shots.

unique use of camera movement

photograph like shots, idea of sequences of pictures 

lack of dialogue, long stretches of silence

interesting use of montage 

rhythm in terms of editing 

unconventional shots

orchestra music 

point of view shots

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