Saturday, March 12, 2022

Psycalogical thriller

Me - A psychological thriller is a thriller film that incorporates psychological aspects, these films often have dark themes of mental distress and torment. some common examples of these are films like the joker, fight club, get out, shutter island etc. 

Peter Hutchings 2009 - "refers to narratives with domesticated settings in which action is suppressed and thrills are provided instead via investigations of the psychologies of the principal characters"

Hitchings idea can be seen clearly in "the Lighthouse 2019" we can see that this whole terrifying world is created by these characters mind when actually this all takes place in one lighthouse on one tiny island. 

John Madden 2012 - "psychological thrillers focus on story, character development, choice, and moral conflict; fear and anxiety drive the psychological tension in unpredictable ways. Madden stated their lack of spectacle and strong emphasis on character led to their decline in Hollywood popularity. Psychological thrillers are suspenseful by exploiting uncertainty over characters' motives, honesty, and how they see the world. Films can also cause discomfort in audiences by privileging them with information they wish to share with the characters; guilty characters may suffer similar distress by virtue of their knowledge."
I feel “The joker 2019” shows this quite well, when watching this film we are constantly thinking what will he do next and we are almost scared of his mind.

James N. frey 2010 - defines psychological thrillers as a style, rather than a subgenre; Frey states good thrillers focus on the psychology of their antagonists and build suspense slowly through ambiguity. Creators and/or film distributors or publishers who seek to distance themselves from the negative connotations of horror often categorize their work as a psychological thriller. The same situation can occur when critics label a work to be a psychological thriller in order to elevate its perceived literary value.
“Shutter Island 2010” used ambiguity to create suspense. In the film the audience is constantly questioning what is real and what is fake. This film is what Fray is talking about.

shadows/dark alleys 
low key lighting
big cities
Alcohol and drugs

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