Thursday, March 17, 2022

Colour and lighting

 in my opening I want to easily distinguish Casey's delusion and reality using colour, when it is his POV I want the colour to be desaturated and sickly, using colour like green and yellow and more contrast and when the shot is not in his POV the colours should be normal and ''pretty''

A fantastic example of the colours I would like to use for Caseys deluded POV can be seen in

 (Fight club 2011

using colour in this way shows Casey's negative outlook on life, seeing everything with disgust and being scared of a dark and gloomy world. when the viewer watches this they will be able to see that how Casey sees things isn't actually how they are.

                                            making the colour for his delusion:

in regards to lighting I will be using split lighting which is commonly used in the phycological thriller genre to cannote an idea that a character has 2 realities, this can be seen in (shutter island 2010)

this will further reinforce to my audience that my character has an inaccurate idea of reality. 

we did this on set using a light shining on one side running along with the actor:

                                                     Footage of how we filmed with the lighting:

                                              enhancing the split lighting in editing:

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